Главная > Статистика за Август для продавцов PrestaShop Addons
28 Август, 2015

Статистика за Август для продавцов PrestaShop Addons

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Обновление дизайна, упрощение продукт листов и совместимости, возможность показывать changelog, возможность делать возвраты проще и связывать их с другими сообщениями, лучшая фильтраяция сообщений, новый вид категорий, перевод на испанский с помощью сервиса tuteo

Dear contributors,

As you know, the Addons team is working to improve the marketplace and your overall selling experience.

To keep you updated with all the changes, we’ll share an update each month about our improvements, bug corrections and tips.


And this August we start with a recap of what we’ve done:


  • The changelog you have been updating consistently is now displayed in the marketplace in English for all modules! Merchants can now see how often your modules are updated which shows your professionalism and helps to convince buyers to purchase.
  • In your seller account, your “starred messages” will now appear first in your messages list. This will help you stay organized, provide better support andreceive good customers ratings. Don’t forget, you can use filters to view messages from a specific category.


  • Refund requests are now automatically linked to its relevant messages. This gives you a visual reminder of the exact moment you accepted the refund request and the reasons why.
  • The versioning has now been simplified! Starting with PrestaShop 1.6, the 4th figure of PrestaShop versions are no longer displayed. This means you don’t need to submit every minor update of your modules anymore.
  • New categories are now clearer! While fully optimizing categories is an ongoing project, we took this opportunity to make the category selection faster and easier.

Bug Corrections:

We fixed various bugs including the module packs update and we’re counting on you to help us find new bugs on the site.

Several visual updates were added such as Preston on the “sticky” navigation barthat takes customers to the homepage without the need to scroll back.



  • Generate more sales in the Spanish market and strengthen our international presence by providing translations of your product sheets in Spanish using the “tuteo”.
  • Encourage merchants to purchase your modules / themes by using screenshots taken on a PrestaShop 1.6 site to show that your modules are compatible with our latest version.
  • Save time and avoid common disputes by reviewing the contributors FAQs.

Talk to you very soon with more news,

Sabrina A.

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